About Tatseng:

  • Tatseng has done more than 100 escape rooms!
  • He once prevented a terrorist attack on the London Underground.
  • His biggest personal inspiration is my grandma for her tenacity, my biggest professional inspiration is Mathilde Collin, co-founder of Front for her organisational prowess!
  • He holds a BA in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics from Oxford University, an MBA from the Wharton School, and an MPA from the Harvard Kennedy School.

Ep.41 Tatseng Chiam, profit and greater purpose

We’re joined by Co-founder and COO of RideTandem, a tech for good transport company focused on smart commuting shuttles outside of big cities. You’ll hear how RideTandem enables more than £3m in wages for passengers around the world.

Along with why when starting out as founders, it’s important to leave egos at the door, everyone has to muck in and do the unglamorous to maintain a high velocity.

You’ll also hear us cover the power of business incubators, risk-taking as an entrepreneur and learning from mistakes, keeping a work life balance and the value of having a close knit business community to help with self-reflection and advice through shared experiences.