Well, well, well… It’s nearly the end of 2020! We’ve been reflecting on this year and (since we are accountants!) it only seemed right to take a look at our year in numbers…

The fact that we’re cloud accountants actually made these numbers surprisingly easy to get a hold of… the joys of doing things digitally!
If you prefer reading instead, here’s what our year looked like in numbers…
- 3 new hires onboarded
- 4 trillion* live webinars provided (*not really but it felt like it at times!)
- 580,356 bank transactions reconciled
- 105,485 employee expense transactions posted
- 1,764 sets of management information prepared to help client decisions
- 133 R&D tax credit claimes processed to save clients c. £50k tax each
- 732 furlough claims processed worth nearly £10m
- Over 25,000 payslips processed
- 147 SEIS/EIS applications processed to help secure investment of over £30m
- £75m of investment and exit activity supported
Have you looked at your business’s 2020 numbers yet?
Taking the time to do so can help you to make plans for the year ahead.
Of course, we’re always here to give a helping hand if you want some advice on how to utilise your own data to make more informed business decisions.
Get in touch if you’d like to have a chat with one of our friendly team: info@blusky.co.uk.